Interesting from the IMEC lens

Interesting from the IMEC lens is that the interlocutors of trade with Sargon’s kingdom were the traders of Magan – today’s modern-day UAE, Oman and possibly the Makran Coast – who supplied copper and diorite to Mesopotamia[7]. There were also merchants from Dilmun – today’s Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar – who traded actively with s

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commented to Radio Liberty’s

No statistics are available on the filing of applications for ACS, but “our feeling is that the number of people interested in this has increased two to three times”, Sergey Krivenko, director of human rights group Citizen.Army.Law, commented to Radio Liberty’s Sibir.Realii on 14 May 2024. (Citizen.Army.Law informs conscripts of their rights

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invasion of Ukraine and subsequent

Both these trends appear to have resulted from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent mobilisation of reservists (men who have already completed conscript service) in 2022. The numbers of those who are doing ACS have also significantly risen. According to Russian federal statistics, 1,199 young men were doing ACS in the first half of 2023, a

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aggravate inequality and poverty

that these policies, termed as the Washington Consensus, would aggravate inequality and poverty. So it had suggested setting up ‘safety nets’ for the poor. But, invoking ‘TINA’ (‘there is no alternative’), the NEP were implemented without safety nets. The NEP were opposed by trade unions, opposition parties and NGOs because of their adv

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All of this translates into a markedly

All of this translates into a markedly low capacity for trade volume along the Middle Corridor—estimated at only about 5% of the Northern Corridor’s capacity—and increased traffic has, at times, extended transit times to as long as 40 days. The Middle Corridor is also significantly more expensive than the Northern Corridor and, especially, tr

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